Glide is Loading images from the internet is quite easy to use Volley library. But here is a solution that is much better than volleyball mis Glide image library. When compared with a volley, Glide wins in many scenarios in terms of performance and usability. Here are the advantages of a more Glide volleyball
But in my experience, Glide Library can be run either by retrofit, use of which is easy and there are functions to make photo of a circle and a simple animation
First Step : Create Layout with ImageView for show image and give name "image"
- activity_main.xml
Second Step : add the glide dependency to your build.gradle.
Third Step : Add Code to call function Glide's Load, Animation an Add Url- Supports capturing, decoding and displaying video stills, images, and animated GIFs
- Placeholder can be added prior to loading media
- Many thumbnails (blurred) first and then load the high-resolution images such as in WhatsApp or Facebook.
- Crossfading effects between media
- Support for arbitrary image transformation such as image loading in the form of a circle or other shape.
- Better Memory and disk caching mechanism
- Works well with both Volleyball and libraries OkHttp.
But in my experience, Glide Library can be run either by retrofit, use of which is easy and there are functions to make photo of a circle and a simple animation
First Step : Create Layout with ImageView for show image and give name "image"
- activity_main.xml
Second Step : add the glide dependency to your build.gradle.
Fouth Step :
Running Your Application Project and will show like top picture in this articles.
If you using glide,You are not too difficult to create an image of your round, you only need to enter a few lines of code. plus side from the glide library.
Code for make circle image :
Running Application Picture if make circle frame.
I will write more tutorial, so hope support me with give a comment. you can contact me in INSTAGRAM @indahainur or GMAIL :